Right Solution:
Right Solution:
24/7 Expert Assistance, When You Need It
We've been offering services since 2004, and in 2017 we were rebranded to become DBO. DBO's goal is to share the knowledge that it has acquired through its maintenance services and management tools with its extensive client base, ensuring that systems continue to run smoothly and securely, and striving to strike a balance between professionalism and ease of use to provide high quality support.
Your database is crucial to your business, and we understand the importance of secure storage and management of your data. To satisfy these requirements, we provide consultancy and services including Oracle Database server installation, upgrades, migration projects, performance analysis and improvement, health checks, and alarm monitoring.
If a problem arises in your live environment, we will establish, arrange, and monitor your Data Guard environment to ensure uninterrupted service and continuity, and manage the necessary transition processes if required.
With our Oracle Database health check service, we routinely examine your system and report to you monthly. With these reviews, we determine your needs and plan our processes.
We set up your backup system for your database, and in case of a possible data recovery need, we offer your data of any time you want.
To improve the efficiency and speed of your systems, we conduct performance improvement studies and implement appropriate changes, which may include configuration changes, index definitions, statistical updates and partitioning arrangements. Our routine audits ensure that your systems are operating at peak performance levels.
We set up, prepare, manage and monitor your disaster recovery environments in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of your systems and prevent data loss in case of a disaster such as a natural disaster.
With our highly experienced and professional team in Oracle database management, we provide you with 24/7 support.
In order to increase the working efficiency and speed of your systems, we make improvements such as configuration changes, index definitions, statistics updates, partition arrangements, etc. within the scope of performance improvement studies that we routinely perform.
Within the scope of the consultancy we provide, we make various improvements such as interface improvements that you can monitor your systems at a more understandable level, fault and problem preventive alarm definitions, automation studies.
We plan the installation of the database and all its components, patch migrations, version transitions with you and provide solutions in ITIL standards.
We manage and perform the necessary transportation operations for your transition and change needs between platforms and systems.
Allroundautomations ve DBO
Allroundautomations ile stratejik iş birliğimiz kapsamında, Allroundautomations (PLSQL Developer) lisanslarını artık DBO üzerinden temin edebilirsiniz. PL/SQL Developer, Oracle PL/SQL program birimlerini geliştirmek, test etmek, hata ayıklamak ve optimize etmek için entegre bir geliştirme ortamıdır. İçeriğe duyarlı yardım, veritabanı nesne açıklamaları, sözdizimi vurgulama, veri sorgulama ve düzenleme gibi özellikler sunarak geliştiricilerin işini kolaylaştırır.
Achieve the highest performance with cost-effective and easy-to-use solutions while providing the most reliable and accurate solutions for your database. With our products, you can review, copy, backup and even perform error analysis of your systems at any time.
It keeps a copy of the main system in a reliable location that you specify. Every change in your real system is transmitted to the other system with phase difference and operated there as well. Thus, a working instant copy of your main system continues to wait passively in another location. In the event of a disaster in your real system, the backup system replaces the main system, allowing you to continue your work without interruption.
It allows the main system to update its existing backup on the TEST/DEV system at the time periods specified by the customer and informs the customer after the update, so that you can always work in an up-to-date TEST/DEV environment.
With Port Service, which presents all errors on the database, you can highlight the errors you consider important and take quick action before they turn into critical errors.
Thanks to DBPORT Barca's innovative early warning system, we solve and report problems before you realize it. In this way, we identify potential problems with Oracle database and server performance before they start, while minimizing the associated costs by ensuring the uninterrupted availability of Oracle databases and servers.